(We’re happy to include your questions here too. We all learn from each other.)
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For those new to the Hobby or wanting to get licensed, we help it all happen!
Q: How Can I help IF I am a Currently Licensed HAM Radio Operator –OR– if I Want to Become a Licensed HAM Radio Operator?
A: Contact your area’s Bishop Storehouse (Click here to learn more about Bishop Storehouse Locations) or contact Sandy City's Emergency Manager, Amy DeNeff at Office: 801-568-7185 | Mobile: 801-651-5983 | email
Ask about how you can get involved. To get licensed, see HAM Study info above.
Also ask about the Sandy City Radio Club.
Q: How do I get the best 72-hour Kits for me and my family?
A: The “Best” kit is a little different for everyone! Make sure YOU have the items that YOU need specifically for your personal well being. This could mean special apparel to best protect YOU as well as personal medications and foods that you’re not alergic to, etc. Amazon, Overstock, Sporting Goods, Outdoor Gear, and local preparedness stores are the best places to fill your list. ALSO, make sure you have a great backpack to load all this in because it’s so essential to have your stuff well protected and easy to travel with. The common and basic essentials needed to survive in any environment should include water, nutritious food, first-aid & trauma-aid, self-defense & shelter (including a great boonie hat). Staying hydrated, warm, dry, well-nourished, healthy, and safe are the most important goals!
Q: What about using Freeze Dried Food for storage?
A: “Freeze Drying” food & using it for storage & emergency prep could be a really good option. Check out our review here. Also, a great website to check out is harvestright.com.
Q: Is there a need for emergency communication in my area?
A: When an emergency occurs, area leaders need the ability to immediately communicate with family, friends, neighbors, missionaries, civil and church authorities to provide status reports or to request assistance. A reliable emergency communication system should be in place if regular telephone or cell phone service fails.
Q: If we typically do not have natural disasters in our area, why should we include emergency communication in our family, neighborhood and area emergency plans?
A: In addition to a natural disaster, an emergency may occur anywhere and without warning. Examples include hazardous material spills, fires, power failure, and terrorist attacks. Consider which emergencies are possible in your location and identify specific ways to communicate in these types of emergencies.
Q: What is the job description of an area or neighborhood emergency communication specialist?
A: Area leaders may choose to call an emergency communication specialist from their community to assist with planning and implementing communication plans. Emergency communication specialists provide training and ensure the readiness of communication equipment. Emergency communication specialists may be invited to participate in neighborhood and area communication discussions as directed by leaders.
Q: Will my mobile telephone work in an emergency?
A: The mobile telephone is an effective tool for communication under normal circumstances. However, in a disaster, mobile telephone systems often fail due to overload, damage, and loss of power. Mobile telephone providers will restore service following a disaster, but it may take several hours, days, or weeks.
Q: What information should be reported to leaders following an emergency?
A: Leaders should be prepared to report the nature of the disaster, the welfare of residents and missionaries, the condition of meetinghouses, and any requests for assistance.
Being Prepared is Completely Up to YOU!