![]() | All-Natural Home Remedy – please read the information carefully before using. Those brave enough to use it say it really is awesome & helped them feel better in a big, BIG way! Of course the recipe can be lightened up if desired. Click to Open the Recipe |
![]() | Trash - Managing it During an Emergency… |
If you are like most people who live in a western society, you probably have a garbage-disposal service that comes and collects your trash at specific times in the month.
Well, if that service were no longer available, have you thought of what you’d do with the ever growing pile of trash?
Not only will the smell be increasingly offensive, rotting garbage is also a sanitation risk since it will attract insects and rodents who are carriers of disease. AND – if you have babies in the house with disposable diapers, you’ll only magnify the sanitation risk due to potential fecal-borne diseases.
How to Deal with Garbage in an Off-Grid World
If you know the grid is going to be down for only a few days or even up to a week or two, you will not need to handle your garbage any differently than you are doing now. I’m sure many of us have missed a pick-up date or two and had the trash sitting around for a bit without any issues.
The problem is when it gets extended to a month or more.
In this case you’ll want to follow a simple, straightforward 5-step process:
Sort, Dump, Drain, Burn or Bury
If the grid goes down and you know it will be multiple weeks or more, some of your trash-disposal habits will likely need to change — sorting being one of them. The first thing you’ll want to do is begin separating the trash (both the existing along with any new trash going forward) into 5 different groups:
- Group 1 [DUMP, COMPOST, BURN, BURY It!]) those things that biodegrade quickly (plant & animal matter)
- Group 2 [BURN It!]) paper products
- Group 3 [RE-USE –OR– BURY It!]) plastics and metals (should be flattened or crushed to reduce bulk)
- Group 4 [BURY It!]) sanitary items (diapers, feminine hygiene products etc)
- Group 5 [RE-USE –OR– BURY It!]) glass
For the biodegradable waste, this can be dumped into a pile or a container away from your residence. This will quickly begin to compost and can be used later for gardening.
After the initial sorting as well as any new trash going forward, you’ll want to drain off any liquids that are remaining in any containers. For non-fat containing liquids, just pour them on the ground. For fatty liquids and oils, pour them in a small “cat-hole” dug from the ground and then cover it up with the dirt from the dig. This will prevent the attraction of animals and insects. Keep in mind that it is not recommended to add fats and oils to any compost heaps you have set up from the “Dump” stage, as it can shut down the composting process.
Garbage that can be burned (like the paper products that were separated earlier) should be done so. If you have the time or inclination, many paper products, like newspapers or junk mail, can be made into serviceable Paper Logs. These make good sources of fuel for cooking and heating when the grid is down.
For the remaining garbage like metal and plastic products and sanitary items, you’ll want to store these for as long as you can in doubled-up trash bags that are in a covered (preferably air-tight) container.
However, if the grid is going to be down for a very long time, it may be necessary to bury these. You’ll want to dig a trench or pit that is deep enough so that at least 1 1/2 feet (1/2 m) of compacted dirt will cover the trash (again, to prevent insects from breeding or animals digging it up).
Also, be sure to keep this pit at least 100 feet from a water source (especially in the case of the sanitary products).
A Note on Fall-Out Shelters
If you are in a Chemical, Biological, Radiological, or Nuclear (CBRN) situation where you’re forced indoors, many of these outdoor trash disposal solutions will not work for you.
In such cases you’ll need to bag and store the waste until you have the opportunity to bury it. To bag the trash, it’s best to first drain off whatever liquid you can if possible. Then before bagging it, wrap the trash in some type of absorbent material like newspapers or old clothing.This will keep the stench down and hopefully bide you a bit of time before you can dispose of it outdoors.
![]() | Using a Flash Light For Self Defense… It works! |
How do you use a falshlight for self defense? There are a few ways…
1) Hold it firmly in your hand to use as a striker - if needed: The flash light is hard and some come built to be used for just that reason.
2) Turn it on & shine it directly into their eyes as they approach: If you feel they’re getting too close and you want to stop them in their tracks, shine the light directly in their eyes. People will often stop right where they are when a light is shined on them. (Police use them for just that reason too.)
Note: Trusting people OFTEN allow strangers to get too close! Don't let this happen! 20' feet really is too close! Take action if you feel threatened - and do it at a safe distance!
![]() | A Home Generator Solution – “What a Relief!” |
I am so thankful for your referral to Kyle at ASK Electric. For sometime, I'd been searching for a way to supply my home with electric service in the event of an extended power outage.
I figured the number one thing I could do for my Family Emergency Plan was to make sure my home didn't lose electric service.
Electricity provides heat, cooking, illumination, and other basic needs and means my family can stay in our home during an emergency. I got a quote from a national brand generator company for the purchase and installation of a 22Kw whole house stand-by generator that runs off the natural gas line – but the cost was over $8,000.
Kyle came up with a perfect solution for only a fraction of the cost. He installed a simple utility transfer switch and a 240v plug directly to the main exterior meter panel mounted on the outside of my home. This enables me to plug in the 4Kw portable storm generator I already own and switch my home over to generator power.
Now during a utility power outage I can manually run critical circuits such as the furnace, fridge, stove and lights, using the circuit breaker panel in the basement.
What a relief to know that during a power outage my family will be safe and comfortable in our own home. I've attached a picture of the plug and transfer switch.
Thanks Troy V.
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5 Tips for Staying Healthy During an Emergency… |
- Eating Well... Being active and healthy now will pay off in the event of a natural disaster. If you are feeding your body more healthy, whole foods, and less sugary, fried, processed, packaged foods, your body will function more efficiently, you will have more energy to deal with whatever comes.
- Exercise... Strengthening your body through exercise will also pay off, giving you the energy and stamina to deal with the stressors of a disaster if it were to happen. Being in good physical health will allow you to bounce back more quickly from a disaster.
- Mental Health & Wellness… is another important component. Having a positive and optimistic "Can Do" attitude will take you farther in overcoming any adversity.
- Food… There is a wonderful list of foods to stockpile, and even though we have previous food storage information, perhaps we don't fully appreciate the importance of some of these foods. The following article outlines the foods to stockpile, detailing nutrients, shelf life, and practicality of having them on hand. An excellent article: Click Here for Online Article or Click Here for a PDF
- After an Emergency… it's important to continue to eat as healthy as is available, as well as continue to exercise your body through no equipment bodyweight exercises. There are many ways to improvise and utilize what is around you, including your own body weight for resistance. It will also help produce endorphins...the happy "drug" of choice, improving mood and outlook.
![]() | A Review of Freeze Drying Food Storage – a Real Possibility! |
“Freeze Drying” food & using it for storage & emergency prep could be a really good option. A great website to check out is harvestright.com. Some details:
By Gaye Levy & Backdoor Survival
There are many times when trouble strikes and we have to deal with only what we have on our person and in our pockets. A BOB (Bug Out Bag) is a luxury that might not be with us when the unexpected comes along, so I like to make sure I have a minimum of things on me before I leave the house – even for a trip to the grocery.
Here’s what I carry: (you’ll have to adjust for your own needs)
- A strong, quality, and SHARP outdoor knife WITH a serrated edge too!
- A multi-tool
- A lighter
- A dozen facial tissues
- Chapstick
- A 1 Quart Ziploc Bag
- A black sharpie
- A small bottle of hand sanitizer
- Wallet with emergency cash and ID cards
- Keys, with small flashlight on keychain
I can carry all of the above in jeans or short pockets no problem, and its amazing how handy I find each of those items to be in day to day activities. In an emergency they could really make a difference.
Take the Dutch Oven Challenge!
Immediately below: Results of the Brinton Family’s Dutch Oven Sunday Dinner…
it was all absolutely delicious!
(If you’d like to learn how to cook using Dutch Ovens, I’d be very happy to teach you – it will be delicious!)
Cash – Store Some! Safely!
People in the know are bracing for the worst! It's great advice for us all! You can't lose. If the worst happens – you're prepared – if the worst doesn't happen, you're okay then too. With world economic conditions, such as they are right NOW, experts are recommending we have some cash stored away. ATMs are empty right now in Greece. The Grecian people are allowed to withdraw $22/day IF their bank is even open. Can you live on $22 a day? Nope! I don't think anyone could. If economic conditions get really bad, and economic conditions can decay very quickly, we may all find ourselves living in a free-for-all situation. Having cash on hand will at least allow you to have more options to survive a devastating economic situation.
Being Prepared is Completely Up to YOU!